
Capacity: 7.5 MT / 15m3/ 15,000 ltr.

12MT / 24m3 / 24,000 ltr.

Standard: BS EN 13445

Design Pressure: 17 bar

Test Pressure: 26 bar

Design Temperature: -20*C to +60*C

Approved By: Explosive Department

ISO 9001: 2015 Certified

Design Approved By BUET

NDT (Ultrasonic Test) By Bureau Veritas

Hydraulic Test By Bureau Veritas

Origin: Bangladesh


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Saad Motors Ltd offers LPG Bobtail by manufacturing and assembling LPG Storage tanks, vehicles, and other necessary equipment and accessories as a complete solution for the LPG distribution system. We have the in-house capacity to manufacture LPG Bobtail. It is specially designed as per Standard EN 13445 and equipped with safety accessories so that it will ensure extra safety in LPG transportation.

Saad Motors Ltd made Bobtail has LPG carrying capacities ranging from 7.5 MT / 15m3/ 15,000 liter to 12MT / 24m3 / 24,000 liter. SML designed Bobtail can be equipped with any brand of vehicle/truck since international standard is being maintained.

Before pursuing for license and permission from the Department of Explosives, we always perform stability check theoretically and practically to ensure the safe journey on the road.

Additionally, we offer an LPG Transfer Pump and LPG Mass Flow Meter to transfer LPG from the Bobtail to the user end’s LPG Storage Tank and to get the actual measurement of the transferred LPG. It gives an added advantage where any valued customer can get a complete solution for the LPG Transportation and Distribution System.

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